Thursday, September 19, 2019

Who Says You Can’t Be In Two Places At Once?

It’s always been my dream come true… I mean, how much more productive would I be if I could split myself in two? Can’t decide what party to attend? No problem… go to both! Want to make money at work, but still want to get more sleep? Easy. Let one half of  you go make some moolah while the other half stays home in bed. Oh, if only that were possible! Well… imagine my surprise when I discovered it WAS possible. At least on camera anyway. The wonders of technology!

After spending the morning on a catamaran where we drank delightful sangria and floated on our Noodles (actually called Doodles when they’re inflatable apparently), we were whisked away by a professional photographer for a tour of the island. Her name is Antonina and her company, Photo Safari Lanzarote, is AMAZING! The four of us were lucky to have this lovely, knowledgable guide all to ourselves and she took us for a personalized tour of the island. Lanzarote is an island of over 130 volcanoes (all inactive thankfully), and the landscapes and views we were privy to were just breathtaking. It was like being on the moon, but with blue skies! There is no way we could’ve seen and done what we did without the wonderful Toni. And that she gave us photography lessons along the way was an unexpected added bonus we were all truly grateful for.

We kept saying it, but it truly was the best day. I got to sail out on a catamaran in the morning and zip around the island in the afternoon and I didn’t even have to divide myself in two!

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