Friday, September 7, 2018

When In Rome... You Drink Prosecco, Duh!!!

Why yes, that IS a condom dispenser, but I'll get to that later. So here it is… the first official day of our annual mother/daughter getaway. Besides half of my suitcase being drenched by rainwater that may or may not be toxic, it was a nice beginning to our European adventure. We only have one day in Rome since we sail out on our cruise tomorrow, so we tried to revisit some of our favorite spots and fill in the blanks on things we missed out on last year. And as it turned out, we didn’t do anything new… YET. (There’s still tomorrow morning!)

I had to make a stop at the shoe store where I bought the most amazing wedge sandals last summer.  That said, finding the place took some detective work on my part (which amounted to calling my mom’s credit cards in advance of the trip to see what the heck the name of this store was). I held my iPhone while following the directions on my Maps app (and looking like a silly tourist in the process), and miraculously found my shoe store. This year, in case you’re interested, I found a lovely pair of blue wedge sandals I will probably wear to dinner tonight. Don’t you remember when you were a little kid and you couldn’t wait to wear the new pair of shoes your mom bought for you? Well, apparently nothing has changed. My mom bought my shoes and I’m still excited to wear them! (I know. Get a life.)

We had to make a pit stop at the glorious Trevi Fountain while we were out and about. When we told someone we were throwing coins in the fountain and wishing for “world peace”, the person laughed at us. Was that sarcasm, disbelief, or a combination of both? Does it even matter? I think I need some more prosecco while I ruminate.

We also saw Piazza Navona, Castle San Angelo, the interior of the dome of the Pantheon (biggest self-supporting dome in the world apparently) and were accosted by someone trying to sell us a selfie stick. One guess as to whether you think I purchased one or not :) On the way back to our B&B, I couldn't help snapping that photo of the condom machine. It was attached to the side of a building and I remembered seeing it last year. Okay, I admit I went looking for the condom machine to make sure it was still there. I’m certainly glad to know safe sex is important worldwide!

We are so bleary eyed from our travels that it’s hard to express what I’m feeling at the moment. But if I had to put it in one word, it would be JOY. It’s good to be back in Rome. And at the same bed and breakfast with the amazing rooftop from last summer. Sigh, the views of the city up here are incredible. Check out the photos and see for yourself.

Now it’s time to get ready for dinner. Anyone for pasta? Yes, please!

Buona notte!

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